Showing posts with label Holy Nights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holy Nights. Show all posts

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Holy Nights, Jan 2, 2022, Being Recognized

Holy Nights

1 Corinthians 12:31- 13:13 

Strive to make the best out of the gifts of grace working together.

Yet, I will show the way that is higher than all others.

If I speak out of the Spirit with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, then my speaking remains as sounding brass or tinkling cymbal. And if I had the gift of prophecy and could speak of all the mysteries and could impart all knowledge and, further, had the power of faith that removes mountains, yet am without love, then I am nothing. And if I were to give away everything that is mine, and lastly were to give away even my body for burning, yet am without love, then all is in vain.

        Love makes the soul great;

Love fills the soul with healing goodness;

Iris Sullivan
Love does not know envy;

It knows no boasting;

It does not allow falseness;

Love does not harm that which is decent.

It drives out self-seeking.

Love does not allow inner balance to be lost.

It does not bear a grudge.

It does not rejoice over injustice.

It rejoices only in the truth.

Love bears all things,

Is always prepared to have faithful trust.

It may hope for everything and is all-patient.


If love is truly present, it cannot be lost. The gift of prophecy will one day be extinguished, the wonder of languages cease, clairvoyant insight come to an end. Our insight is incomplete, incomplete is our prophecy.

But one day the perfect must come, the complete consecration – aim; then the time of the incomplete is over.

When I was still a child, I spoke as a child, and I felt and thought as a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me.

Now we still see things in dark outlines, as in a mirror. Some day we will see everything face to face. Now my insight is incomplete, but then I shall stand in the stream of true insight, in which recognizing and being recognized are one.

We find permanence that bears all future within it in the exalted triad:

In faith

In hope,

And in love.

But the greatest of these is love.

Holy Nights

January 2, 2021

1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13 

Paul describes love as a soul’s way of being and acting. 

Jan de Kok
He speaks of the loving soul’s open spaciousness, a soul that is aligned with truth, balanced and patient. A loving soul foregoes meanness and selflessly supports decency. In other words, a soul is filled with love is full of goodwill. 

Love works as a healing force, both the love we receive, but more importantly, the love we generate and give. 

Love’s antitheses—spiteful envy, arrogance, and selfishness—bespeak a soul whose will is ill, a soul in need of healing. 

The mystery of the Act of Consecration of Man, the communion service, demonstrates the process of learning how to love. 

First, we receive God’s love by listening, receiving a portion of the life of Christ in the Gospel. Then we undertake to make a real inward offering. We gather our purest thoughts, our most Christ-ened feelings, and our most energetic will, and we pour them into the chalice along with wine and water, offering them all to the Father as a chalice of healing. 

Our modest, meager act of love toward Him is made strong and potent by Christ’s love joining ours. In Communion, the love we offered to the Father returns to us multiplied, as the gracious, peaceful love that Christ embodies in the bread and wine. It is His love that we take in, that enters us. We receive the healing medicine for our will’s illness. 

This is an enactment, a kind of foreshadowing of what will one day be fully realized. Right now, we can only enact love partially, in outline, as in a mirror. But one day, we too will, in goodwill, work face to face with the Master of Love, in Whom recognizing and being recognized are one.


Sunday, January 3, 2021

Holy Nights January 3, 2020 God Pours Light


Holy Nights

Luke 2:25–35, 39–40

And see, there was in Jerusalem a man named Simeon. He was devout, entirely dedicated to the 

Good, and lived in expectation of him who was to bring the consolation of the Spirit to the people of God. The Holy Spirit was upon him, and through the power of the Holy Spirit, it had been revealed to him that he would not die before he had seen the Lord's Messiah. Inspired by the Spirit, he went into the Temple court, just as the parents brought in the child to fulfill for him the custom of the Law. And Simeon took the child in his arms, praising the divine Ground of the World, 

and said:

de Gelder

Now you dismiss your servant in peace, O Master, according to your word.

For my eyes have seen your healing deed,

which you have prepared before all peoples:

A light that leads the peoples of the world to revelation and makes your own people shine in the Spirit.

And his father and mother were amazed that such words were spoken about him. And Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother:

See, he will cause the fall of many among his people,

But he will also let them rise again.

He is a being who will call up dissent.

A sword will pierce your soul, too.

Through him, the thoughts and ponderings of many hearts will be revealed.

. . . .

And when they had completed everything that the Law of the Lord demands, they returned home to Galilee, to their own town Nazareth. And the child grew strong, wise in his spirit-filled soul; divine grace was upon him.

Holy Nights

January 3, 2021

Luke 2:25–35, 39–40

A small light can light up a small space; a large light, such as the sun, can illuminate the world. And the light of the sun not only illuminates; it creates and sustains life.

Simeon is in the presence of the Child who will grow to call himself the Light of the World. And the intense light of this Child illuminates not only space but also time—the past and the future. In this light, Simeon recognizes the fulfillment of a long-waited and long-prepared promise made to the folk Israel.

And to the Mary soul, he reveals the future—a dynamic falling and rising of individuals, hints of future suffering, but also resurrection. And he intimates that the inner workings of souls will one day become transparent.

As sweet and innocent and paradisally glorious as this Child is, his destiny nonetheless will arouse dissent. He will embrace all pain and suffering and will transform them into resurrection and ascension. He will wrestle with death, illuminate it and infuse it with Life so that souls in all the world and in times to come may live in his Life after their own deaths. Through his Light and Life, humankind's future will open, blossom, and bear fruit beyond death. For, as the poet Hafiz says,


pours light

into every cup,

quenching darkness.*

*Hafiz, Interpretive version of Ghazal 11 by Jose Orez 

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Holy Nights 2020, Light Without Shadow

Christmas Season

1 John 1:1-7

What was from the beginning,
what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have beheld, and touched with our hands: the Word of God which bears all Life within itself—that very Life revealed itself. We have seen it and so bear witness to it and proclaim it to you as the Life that is through all cycles of time. It was with the Father; now, it has revealed itself to us. We have seen it and heard it, and we proclaim to you so that you also can live in spiritual community with us; that is, our community with the Father and with Jesus Christ, his Son.
These things we are writing so that your joy may be full.
And this is the message we have received from Him and proclaim to you: that God is Light, and there is not any darkness in Him.
If we say that we have community with Him and yet conduct our lives in the darkness, what we say is a lie, and what we do is without reality.
Only when our Life is fully permeated by Light, as He Himself is in the Light, are we truly united in community, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, cleanses us of all sin.

Holy Nights
December 27, 2020
Cynthia Hindes

The sun shining onto a lighted candle will naturally cast a shadow. The shadow of the solid candle. The shadow of the wick. But the light of the flame casts only the barest image of itself, outlined in white. We can see the heat shimmer and the faintest shadow of smoke. But the light itself casts no shadow.

We can liken ourselves to the candle. Our bodies are like the candle's solid wax. They cast shadows. But we can offer our inner substance to worlds, divine and earthly. The offering of self to God is reflected back from Him to generate in us a love that is creative. The warmth of our love and enthusiasm ignites an invisible flame. The purity of our living thinking generates a light that is clear and without shadow.

John announces to us that God is light; and that in Him, there is no darkness. What is it that casts shadows? Solid matter. But love and joining our lives with Christ generates light—Christ light in our daylight, the light of His life. In a poem by Nelly Sachs, we can hear of the light of the living Christ:

All the while like flames
It chases through our body
As if it were yet woven through with
The star's beginning
How slowly we light up in clarity –
O after how many light-years have
Our hands folded to ask,
Our knees sunk
And our soul opened itself
To thank?*

*(tr. by Ruth and Matthew Mead)

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Holy Nights 2020, Overthrow Hearts

Second Christmas week
Luke 2: 21-35,39, 40

On the eighth day, when it
Anna de Gelder
was time to circumcise the child, he was named Jesus, the name the angel had given him before he was conceived.

When the time came for the purification rites required by the Law of Moses, Joseph and Mary took him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord (as it is written in the Law of the Lord, “Every firstborn male shall be considered to be consecrated to God”). They also had to make the gifts of offering decreed the Law: “a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons.”

And behold there was in Jerusalem a man named Simeon. He was devout, entirely dedicated to the Good, and lived in expectation of him who was to bring the consolation of the Spirit to the people of God. The Holy Spirit was upon him, and through the power of the Holy Spirit, it had been revealed to him that he would not die before he had seen Christ, the Lord. Inspired by the Spirit, he went into the Temple, just as the parents brought in the child to fulfill the custom of the Law.  And he took the child in his arm, praising the divine Ground of the World, and said

Now you let your servant depart in peace, O Master, according to your word.
For now my eyes have seen your healing deed which you have prepared before the peoples:
A light that leads the peoples of the world to revelation and makes your own people shine in the spirit.

…And his father and mother were amazed that such words were spoken about him. And Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother:

           Behold, he will cause the fall of many among his people,
           but he will also let them rise again.
           He is a being who will call up dissent; 
           a sword will pierce your soul, too.
           Through him, the thoughts and ponderings of many hearts will be revealed.

…And when they had completed everything that the Law of the Lord demands, they returned home to Galilee, to their town Nazareth. And the child grew, maturing in his spirit-filled soul; divine grace was upon him.

Holy Nights
January 5, 2020
Luke 2:21-35, 39, 40

The mother has just brought her little son into the world. The pain and suffering of childbirth have yielded to her joy in its sweet and innocent fruit. It was understood that the first-born son was to be consecrated as belonging to God. He was to be presented at the Temple and symbolically ransomed back from God for his parents through a small offering. Imagine the parent’s surprise when Simeon declares that this child will himself “ransom captive Israel.”

But this will not be accomplished in a blaze of light and glory. It will create opposition. The forces of darkness will rise up. Hearts and thoughts will be exposed. Souls will be pierced.

Souls especially. For this redeeming of the people will not take place on an outer, political level. He will not overthrow the Romans in a great battle of swords.

He will overthrow hearts. He will pierce souls.

For now the sword will be the Word of God, the sword of truth; the sword that opens up, that cuts away the old and reveals the vast interiority of the kingdom of the heart, a realm of joy and pain.

The Word of God is made flesh and dwells in our midst. He pierces hearts and we open to another life that is wide and timeless—the inner kingdom. His great presence stirs the joy-pain of a new creation.

May our souls, filled with his spirit, mature. May divine grace be upon us.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Holy Nights 2019, Tree of Life

Holy Nights
1 John 1: 1-10

What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have beheld, and touched with our hands: the Word of God which bears all Life within itself -  the very Life revealed itself, and we have seen it and so bear witness to it and proclaim it to you as the life which is through all cycles of time. It was with the Father; now it has revealed itself to us. We have seen it and heard it, and we proclaim to you so that you also can live in spiritual community with us; that is, our community with the Father and with Jesus Christ his Son.
These things we are writing so that your joy may be full.
And this is the message we have received from Him and proclaim to you: that God is Light, and there is not any kind of darkness in Him.

If we say that we have community with Him and yet conduct our lives in the darkness, what we say is a lie and what we do is without reality.

Only when our life is fully permeated by light, as He Himself is in the light, are we truly united in community, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us of all sin.

If we say that we are without sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

If we are conscious of our sinfulness and confess to it, then He proves faithful and just; he takes the sin from us and cleanses us of all unrighteousness.

If we say that we have never fallen into sin, we make Him a liar, and the divine Word which goes forth from him is not in us.

Holy Nights
December 29, 2019
1 John 1: 1-10

Shimmering in eternal realms is the great Tree of Life. In Egyptian myth, this
tree is pictured as the great world tree. Its branches support the star-studded sky, and its roots reach into the divine watery deep. Its trunk forms the axis around which the world revolves. In the myth, the god Osirus was encased in the trunk of this tree; he became the link between the earthly and the heavenly realms.

Christ Jesus carried this further: on the tree of the cross, the tree of death that became a shining tree of life; the divine creator’s arms are outstretched in an embrace of love that includes the whole world.

We are each a living replica of the tree of life. At birth, we are rooted in the divine depths. Our crown is in God’s starry heights. And at the very center of our being is the beauty of our heart, connected with the sun, shining with the creative power that unites all.  Our heart is the axis around which our whole world revolves.

This creative, sun-like center is the radiant beauty of love. It is supported on the one hand by mercy and on the other by justice. For the Christ-Sun on the cross was placed between the two thieves. To the one who was willing to assume responsibility for his own deeds, the Christ-Sun’s beauteous love showed mercy: “Today, you shall be with Me in Paradise.” Luke 23:43 To the one who railed and egotistically cursed God, cutting himself off from divine love, there could remain only the severity of God’s justice.

A merciful and just love—this is the love that God enacted on the field of history. This is the love that He has implanted in each human heart, from there to be radiated forth as the life-giving Sun of Divine-Human love. So, in the words of the poet:

Let us be like
…falling stars in the day sky.
Let no one know of our sublime beauty
As we hold hands with God
And burn
Into a sacred existence …
That surpasses
Every description of …love.*

*Hafiz, “The Day Sky”, in The Subject Tonight Is Love, by Daniel Ladinsky, p. 24.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Year's Day 2019, Unbearable Light

Holy Nights
John 1: 1-18 (after a translation by Craig Wiggins)

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a God.
This was in the beginning with God.
Everything came into being through the Word, and without it was not anything made that was made.
In the Word was life, and the life was the light of humankind.
And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
There was a man sent from God whose name was John.
He came as a witness, to bear witness to the light, so that through him all may find faith. He was not the light, but a witness to the light, for the true light that enlightens every human being was coming into the world. It was in the world, and the world came into being through it, but the world had not recognized it.
Into those who had recognized it the light had come, but those individuals did not take it in. But all who did take it in received authority to become children of God. Those who trusted in its name are born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of the human beings, but are born of God.
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among (in) us.
And we beheld its revelation, the revelation of the only begotten son of the Father, full of grace and truth.
John bore witness to Him and cried out, saying, “This was he of whom I said, ‘After me comes one who was before me, for he is the very first’.” For out of his fullness, we have received grace upon grace. For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth have come about through Jesus Christ.
Until now human senses never beheld God. The only begotten Son, who was within the Father, has become the guide to this beholding.

Holy Nights
January 1, 2012
John 1: 1-18

Words contain a great mystery. They are handed down to us by our parents. Words are a legacy. They are the memory of how the world is structured, structured with things, with beings, with actions, with qualities. Words are also the garments of thoughts. Thoughts not only reflect the past; they can also create the future.

This creating power of the Word manifested in the ancient past as the creation of the world. The Word’s first creation: Let there be light. And the Word became light.

The creative Word is still resounding as a sounding power, creating the future. Now it says: ‘Let there be love’. But unlike the first creation, this resounding of the Word requires our human cooperation. Human beings must hear it; human beings must take its creative power into themselves.
Roland Tiller

Christ Jesus is the prototype of the human being who takes into Himself the divine force of creating love and shines it forth as a revelation. Through Christ, through Christ living in us, working in us, God’s grace shines forth into the world. Through Christ living and working in us, the truth of human creation reveals itself, as it says in Psalm 82: ‘I have said you are ‘gods’. The poet David Whyte expresses it thus:

You were there in the beginning
you heard the story, you heard the merciless
and tender words telling you where you had to go.
you couldn't live
so close to the live flame of that compassion
you had to go out in the world and make it your own
so you could come back with
that flame in your voice, saying listen...
this warmth, this unbearable light, this fearful love...
It is all here, it is all here.**

*John 10:34-37 Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are “gods”’?  If he called them ‘gods,’ to whom the word of God came—and Scripture cannot be set aside—what about the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world? Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said, ‘I am God’s Son’?
Jesus’ reference is to Psalm 82: ‘God presides in the great assembly; he renders judgment among the “gods”…. “I said, ‘You are “gods”; you are all sons of the Most High.’
 **David Whyte “In the Beginning” in Fire in the Earth

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Holy Nights 2018, Light of Life

Holy Nights
1 John 1: 1-10

What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have beheld, and touched with our hands: the Word of God which bears all Life within itself -  the very Life revealed itself, and we have seen it and so bear witness to it and proclaim it to you as the life which is through all cycles of time. It was with the Father; now it has revealed itself to us. We have seen it and heard it, and we proclaim to you so that you also can live in spiritual community with us; that is, our community with the Father and with Jesus Christ his Son.
These things we are writing so that your joy may be full.

And this is
the message we have received from Him and proclaim to you: that God is Light, and there is not any kind of darkness in Him.

If we say that we have community with Him and yet conduct our lives in the darkness, what we say is a lie and what we do is without reality.

Only when our life is fully permeated by light, as He Himself is in the light, are we truly united in community, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us of all sin.

If we say that we are without sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

If we are conscious of our sinfulness and confess to it, then He proves faithful and just; he takes the sin from us and cleanses us of all unrighteousness.

If we say that we have never fallen into sin, we make Him a liar, and the divine Word which goes forth from him is not in us. 

Holy Nights
December 30, 2018
1 John 1: 1 – 10

The sun shining onto a lighted candle will naturally cast a shadow. The shadow of the solid candle. The shadow of the wick. But the light of the flame casts only the barest image of itself, outlined in white. The heat shimmer, the faintest shadow of smoke we can see. But the light itself casts no shadow.
 We can liken ourselves to the candle. Our bodies are like the solid wax. They cast shadows. But we can offer our inner substance to worlds, divine and earthly. The offering of self to God reflects back from Him to generate in us a love that is creative. The warmth of our love and enthusiasm ignite an invisible flame. The purity of our living thinking generates a light that is clear and without shadow.

John announces to us that God is light; and that in Him there is no darkness. What is it that casts shadows? Solid matter. But love and joining our lives with Christ generates light – Christ light in our daylight. The light of His life. We can hear in the poem by Nelly Sachs of the light of the living Christ:

All the while like flames
It chases through our body
As if it were yet woven through with
The star’s beginning
How slowly we light up in clarity –
O after how many light-years have
Our hands folded to ask,
Our knees sunk
And our soul opened itself
To thank?

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Holy Nights 2017, New Year, January 1, 2017

New Year's Day
January 1, 2017
The Gospel of John, 1:1-18
(translation by Adam Bittleston)

In the very beginning was the Word,
And the Word was with God,
And the Word was God.
He was with God in the very beginning.

All things came into being through Him,
And without Him came into being nothing
That has come into being.

In him was Life,
And the Life was the Light of mankind.
The Light shines in the Darkness,
And the Darkness did not grasp it.

There came to be a man, sent from God,

His name Ioannes.
John Baptizes Jesus, Gerard David, Wiki Commons
He came for testimony,
That he should testify of the Light,
That all might have faith through him.

He was not the Light,
But came to testify of the Light.
For the Light that in truth endures,
That illumines every man,
Was coming into the World.

He was in the World,
And the World came into being through Him
Yet the World did not know Him.
He came to the separate,
Yet the separate men did not receive Him.

But those who received Him—
To them, He gave full power
To become children of God,
Those who have faith in His name.

They have their being
Not from the bloodsteams,
Not from the will of the flesh,
Not from the will of a man,
But from God.

And the Word became flesh,
And made his dwelling among us,
And we saw His glory,
Glory of one born from the Father alone,
With abundance of grace and truth.
Ioannes testified of Him, proclaiming,
That is He of whom I said:
He Who comes after me
Takes His place above me
Because He was before me.

From the abundance of His Being
We have all received
Grace upon grace.

The Law was given through Moses;
Grace and truth came into being
Through Jesus Christ.

God no-one has beheld ever;
The son Who is born of Him alone
And Who has His Being
At the Father’s breast,
Has come to lead our seeing.

New Year's Day
January 1, 2017
The Gospel of John, 1:1-18

We stand before a time of beginnings. Most notably, of course, this is the beginning of a New Year, which this year starts under the signature of the first day of the week, a Sunday, the day of the Resurrection. What will this new year bring?

Our own lives present us with possibilities to begin anew. Every new day, new month, new year are filled with possibilities, with choices. What will we choose?
Christ's coming sets in motion events that give all of humankind the possibility of creating something new. He is the ancestor of a new people, the Christ-folk. Those whom destiny or choice have led to Him can help create a new stream of humankind. Whoever receives Him are themselves born anew, out of grace and truth. They can choose to love out of the light of wisdom and freedom.

Christ says that He stands radiating peace in His relationship to the world. He can give us His peace. We are free, minute by minute, to choose the path of love, of wisdom and grace, with His peace. The possibility is there – what will we choose? In the words of Fra Giovanni Giocondo (1386-1456):

No heaven can come to us unless our hearts find
rest in today. Take heaven!

No peace lies in the future which is not hidden in
Salvatore Mundi, Andrea Previtale

this present little instant. Take peace!

The gloom of the world is but a shadow. Behind it,
yet within our reach is joy. There is radiance and
glory in the darkness could we but see - and to see
we have only to look. I beseech you to look!

Life is so generous a giver, but we, judging its
gifts by the covering, cast them away as ugly,
or heavy or hard. Remove the covering and you
will find beneath it a living splendor, woven of
love, by wisdom, with power.

Welcome it, grasp it, touch the angel's hand that
brings it to you. Everything we call a trial, a
sorrow, or a duty, believe me, that angel's hand
is there, the gift is there, and the wonder of an
overshadowing presence. …
Courage, then, to claim it …..

And so, I greet you… with the prayer that for you now and forever,
the day breaks, and the shadows flee away.

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Sunday, January 3, 2016

Holy Nights 2015 - 2016, Training Wheels

Luke 18: 18-34
January 3, 2015

One of the highest spiritual leaders of the people asked him, “Good Master, what must I do to obtain eternal life?”

Jesus answered him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except the divine Father only. You know the commandments, you shall not corrupt marriage, you shall not kill, you shall not steal, you shall not speak untruth, and you shall honor your father and your mother!

He said, “All these I have observed strictly from my youth.”

When Jesus heard this, he said, [Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said… Mk 10:21] “One thing however you lack: Sell all of your possessions, and give the money to the poor; thus will you achieve a treasure in the spiritual world—then come and follow me!

These words made him very sad, for he was extremely rich. And when Jesus saw him thus, he said, “How hard it is for those who have earthly riches to find entry into the kingdom of God. Sooner would a camel walk through the eye of a needle, than a rich man be able to find the entrance to the kingdom of God!”

Those who heard this said, “Who then can find salvation?”

He said, “For man alone it is impossible; it will be possible however through the power of God working in man.”

Then Peter said to him, “Behold, we have left all that was ours behind us and have followed you.”

He replied, “Amen, the truth I say to you. Everyone who leaves a house  or wife, or brothers or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God will receive much more in earthly existence, and in the coming aeon deathless life.”

Then he took the twelve to himself and said, “Now we are going up to Jerusalem, and everything which the prophets have written about the Son of Man will fulfill itself: He will be given over to the peoples of the world; they will mock and taunt him, they will spit upon him and scourge him and kill him; but on the third day he will rise up from the dead.”

Yet his disciples understood nothing of all this. The meaning of his words remained hidden from them, and they did not recognize what he was trying to tell them.

Luke 18: 18-34

King Stephen, wikimedia
Despite whatever financial concerns we may have, we are all rich. Rich in experience, rich in memories. We all live in fact like the kings and queens of past ages - in warm homes, with enough to eat and comfortable conveyances for travel. We are well outfitted with those servants for work that we call ‘appliances’.  Yet at some point we may become, like the rich leader, ready to take the next step.
Are we ready to follow Christ somewhere deeper than just enjoying our status, deeper even than being good and law-abiding people? We hesitate, perhaps because we know we are not strong enough. We can only do what we are able to do, what we can. But we don’t have to do it alone. God adds to it. ‘For what is impossible for human strength will become possible through the power of God'. In the words of Hafiz:

….Now is the time to understand

That all your ideas of right and wrong
Were just a child's training wheels
To be laid aside
When you finally live
With veracity
And love. …

What is it in that sweet voice inside
That incites you to fear?

Now is the time for the world to know
That every thought and action is sacred.

This is the time
For you to compute the impossibility
That there is anything
But Grace.

Now is the season to know
That everything you do
Is sacred.*

*Hafiz, “Now is the Time” in The Gift - versions of Hafiz by Daniel Ladinsky