Advent, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th
Matthew 25:1-13
The kingdom
in the heavens will be like ten maidens who took their oil lamps and went out
to meet the bridegroom. But five of them were dull of soul, and five were alert
and prudent. The foolish took their lamps without taking any oil with them. The
wise ones took flasks of oil for their lamps. Now, because the bridegroom was a
long time coming, they all became drowsy and were sleeping. But in the middle
of the night, the call went up, "Behold, the bridegroom! Go forth to meet
him!"Eugene Burnand
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Burnand |
But the
wise ones said, "No, the oil would not be enough for us and you as well.
Rather go to the dealers and buy oil for yourselves."
And while they were
away buying, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready to receive him went
with him into the wedding feast, and the doors were shut.
the other maidens came also and said, "Lord, Lord, open to us!"
But he
replied, "Truly, I say to you, I do not know you."
So be alert
of soul, since you do not know the day or the hour.
3rd Advent
Matthew 25:1-13
December 12, 2021
When we go on a journey, we have a destination in mind. Our
plans include maps and rest stops. We check the oil, fill the tank, buy the ticket.
We exercise our capacity of foresight.
Today's reading is about humankind's great collective journey,
a journey toward union with the Divine Bridegroom. It, too, requires foresight.
Since it is a spiritual journey, our preparations include each of us providing
ourselves with an ample supply of the light gained through a practice of prayer
and meditation. For as the story implies, trying to gather a supply once the
call arrives is too late.
One might be inclined to fault the prudent ones for not
sharing. Earthly goods can be shared. But the oil of prayer and spiritual light
can only be acquired individually. One can only prepare one's own capacities
for the Divine Marriage. What is required in this case is not charity, but foresight,
spiritual preparation, and readiness. We are resting in the darkness, not
knowing when the wedding will take place.
The poet Antonio Machado said:Thomas Cooper Gotch
…Jesus… said to us:
heaven and earth will pass away.
When heaven and earth have passed
my word will still remain.
What was your word, Jesus?
Love? Forgiveness? Affection?
All your words were
one word: Awaken*
*adapted from Antonio Machado, translated by Robert Bly, in The
Soul Is Here For Its Own Joy