Sunday, September 15, 2013

8th September Trinity 2013, Feed the Living Divine

8th August Trinity
Luke 17: 5-10

And the apostles said to the Lord, “Strengthen our faith!”

And the Lord said, “If you had faith as full of life as a mustard seed, you could say to this sycamine [mulberry] tree: be uprooted and be planted in the sea!  And it would obey you.

Who among you who has a servant for plowing or for herding sheep, who will say to him when he comes home from the field, “Come at once and sit down at table?” Rather you will say, “Prepare the meal for me, put on your apron and wait on me until I eat and drink; afterwards you can eat and drink too.” Does the servant deserve special thanks for doing his duty? Think of yourselves like that; when you have done all that you have been told to do, then say: “we are feeble servants, we have only done what we were obliged to do.”

8th September Trinity
Christ washes Peter's feet, Ford Madox Brown 1856
September 15, 2013
Luke 17: 5 – 10

As earthly creatures, we believe in the things we can see, hear, taste, touch.  We have faith that these things exist, and that what we do will have certain results. Our faith is like a tree planted in the earthly realm. It is rooted in our experiences; its crown is our thoughts and actions, based on what we see and hear and know.

Over lifetimes we come to develop certain competencies; we become masters in the earthly realm.

The sea has always been a metaphor, a symbol of the living, ever-flowing world of the Spirit. This is the world of our origins, the world that gave birth to the earthly.  In this reading, Christ is suggesting that we take our earthly tree of faith, of belief and trust in the earthly material world, and transplant it into the invisible world of the Divine Spirit.  When we do this, we become humble servants of the Living Divine World from which we have come. And interestingly, in the picture Christ uses, our first task is to feed and nourish the Master of the Living World.

We feed the Living Divine by offering the Master the substance of our noblest thoughts, the love of our hearts, our devoted wills. The Act of Consecration of Man is the archetype, the pattern and practice for how we do this. We listen to the Word of the Spirit; we offer ourselves in humble awareness of our unworthiness. What we offer He then gives back to us transformed, as our meal, our nourishment of soul, as nourishment for the world.

Christ himself enacted the archetype of the humble servant, in His washing of His disciples’ feet at His last supper with them. He continues to do so with us today.