2nd June Trinity
John 3:1-17
was a man in the circle of the Pharisees, whose name was Nicodemus; he held
high rank among the Jews. He came to Jesus in the night and said, “Master, we
know that you are a high teacher of humankind, come to us from God, for no one
can do such signs of the Spirit as you do unless God himself is working
together with them in their deeds.”
Jesus answered and said to him, “The truth out of the spirit I say to you: whoever is not born anew from above cannot behold the kingdom of God.”
Nicodemus said to him, “How can someone be born again when they are old? Can they return to their mother’s womb to be born again a second time?
Jesus answered, “the truth out of the spirit I say to you: whoever remains as they are and does not come to a new birth out of the formative power of the water and out of the breath of the spirit [or, …and is not
born anew out of the spiritual power of eternal becoming and out of being touched by the might of the spirit world] cannot enter into the kingdom of God. What is born out of earthly elements is of earthly nature. But what is born out of the breath of the spirit, is itself spirit. Do not wonder that I said to you that you must be born anew from above. The spirit wind blows where it wills; you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone who is born anew out of the breath of the spirit.Nicodemus replied and said to him, “How can one attain this?”
Jesus answered, “You are a teacher of Israel and do not know?
Amen, the truth I say to you: we speak of what we know, and we bear witness to what we have seen in the spirit, but none of you accepts our testimony. When I speak to you of earthly things, and you do not believe them, how shall you believe when I want to speak to you of heavenly things? No one has ascended to the spiritual world who has not previously descended out of the spiritual world, that is, the Son of Man.Just as Moses once lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, so that everyone who finds his power in their hearts can win a share in the higher life beyond time. God has so loved the world that he has given his only begotten Son. From now on, no one who fills himself with his power shall perish, for they will share in timeless, higher life. God did not send the Son into the world to condemn it, but so that the world be saved [healed] through him and not fall prey to ruin.”
1st June Trinity
June 7, 2020
John 3: 1-17
The blossom opens itself to the sun. Its pollen rises
carried to the upper reaches of the atmosphere. Enlivened by the warmth and
light of the sun, it returns to earth, bringing new living forces, the power of
germination, to the plants.
Nicodemus comes to Christ in the night realm, with soul and
spirit open. Christ speaks to him about life renewed from above, from the
warmth and light of the realm of the spirit. At first, Nicodemus confuses this
renewal of life with the earthly level of physical birth. But Christ explains
that being touched by the spirit’s power of eternal becoming, is what allows
our lives to be ever renewed. It is our contact with the regions of moving
light and warmth that is our entrance into the kingdom of the heavens, even as
we still live in bodies on earth.
Our own eternal spirit, the drop of the divinity given to
each of us at our beginning, has descended with us out of those regions
of light. Our awakening to this eternal part of our being allows us to open and ascend
again into the realms of spirit, now, like the pollen rising from the flower.
It is the power in us of prayer, the power of mindfulness, the power of
gratitude that helps us rise. This is the Christ power, the power of the Son of
Man, working in us. As the poet Hafiz says:
pours light
into every cup,
quenching darkness.
…God pours light
and the trees lift their limbs
without worry of redemption,
every blossom a chalice.
…as light
pours like rain
into every empty cup
set adrift on the Infinite
This is the power that lets us rise, even daily, into the realms of timeless life, to be renewed and refreshed, so that when we descend again, we can see to it that in Christ’s words, ‘the world can be healed and not fall prey to ruin.’
*Hafiz, “God Pours Light,” (Interpretive version of Ghazal 11 by Jose Orez)