Monday, June 9, 2014

Whitsun II, 2013, Be Ignited

John 14: 23-31

Jesus replied, “He who truly loves me reveals my Spirit, and my Father will love him and we will come to him and prepare with him a dwelling in the everlasting [an eternal dwelling]. He who does not love me cannot reveal my Spirit. And the spirit power of the word that you hear is not from me; it is the speaking of the Father who sent me.

I have said this to you while I am still with you. But he who is called down, the health-bringing Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you everything and will awaken within you all that I have said to you.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid [have no fear].

You have heard how I said to you, ‘I am going away, and yet I am coming to you’. If you loved me you would rejoice because I am going to the Father[ly Ground of the World], for the Father is mightier than I am.
I have told you now, before it happens, so that when it happens you may find trust. I no longer have much to say to you, for soon the prince of this world is coming. Yet over me he has no power.

But the world shall see in this how I love the Father [Ground of the World] and how I act in accordance with the Father’s purpose, as it was entrusted to me. Arise, let us go on from here. [let us be on our way.]

May 20, 2013
John 14: 23 -31

To grow a garden, there are a few requirements. First one needs a living seed, for one cannot plant stones and expect something living to emerge. Then one needs to plant the seed at the right time, according to its nature. For it needs the  warmth and light of the right season in order to enkindle. And a garden needs the warmth of our loving attention.

We are all living seeds planted in God’s garden. For the Father’s creative spirit is life. He has chosen the right season for us, so that we will receive the light we need. For the Father’s spirit is light. And He lovingly tends us, so that we will grow to blossom and nourish the world. For the Father’s Spirit is love.

As Mary Oliver says:

All summations have a beginning
All effect has a story
All kindness begins with the sown seed.
Thought buds toward radiance.
The gospel of light is the crossroads of—
Indolence or action.

Be ignited, or be gone.[1]

[1] Mary Oliver, “What I Have Learned So Far”, in New and Selected Poems, Volume Two. Picture artist unknown.

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