Showing posts with label Teresa of Avila. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Teresa of Avila. Show all posts

Monday, November 4, 2013

2nd November Trinity 2012, No Body But Yours

2nd Trinity November
Rev. 3, 1-6, (Sardis) or
Rev. 3, 14-22 (Laodicea)

Rev. 3, 1-6, (Sardis)

And to the angel who penetrates the congregation of Sardis write:
Escorial Beatus

Thus speaks he who has power over the seven creating spirits of God and over the seven stars: I know the consequences of your deeds, for one says of you that you live, and yet are dead. Awaken, and strengthen what remains in you, that is otherwise about to die, for I have not found that your works possess reality before my God.

Remember how you were once receptive for all the workings of the spirit, and for all words which came from the spirit. Care for them in your soul in inner loyalty. Change your heart and mind.

If however you do not awaken, I will come over you suddenly like a thief, and you will not know at which hour I will come over you.

But you have some names in Sardis whose souls have not been darkened by illusion and addiction to the senses. They will walk with me in white garments, for they are worthy of them.

He who overcomes, he shall be clothed with white garments, and I will not wipe out his name from the Book of Life. I will speak out his name and acknowledge him before my Father and his Angels. He who has ears to hear, let him hear what the spirit says to the churches.

2nd November Trinity
Nov. 4, 2012
Rev 3; 1-6

Once a group of idealistic young people decided to start working on a small biodynamic farm. Their enthusiasm and desire to change the world led them into deep conversations long into the night. Naturally this led them to sleep in late. When a guest pointed out to them that the goats had long been crying out to be milked, they answered that their deeply spiritual conversations were more important.

Much too often, our thoughts and ideals fail to translate themselves into actual effective deeds and habits. We are perhaps under the illusion that thinking good thoughts is sufficient. Perhaps we lack the will to translate them into actions. We fail to bring our habits and actions into congruence with our ideals. And thus we fail to bring our ideals into the earthly.

In today’s letter to the community, the angel brings us the message from Christ: I have not found that your works possess reality…. Care for the workings of the Spirit…. Walk with Me…. Overcome your illusions.

As a community we may ask ourselves: what are the ideals of a Christ community? Do we only think we are such? What does a Christ community do? Perhaps these words from Theresa of Avila give us a hint of an answer:

Christ has no body now but yours
No hands, no feet on earth but yours
Yours are the eyes through which He pours out
compassion on this world
Christ has no body now on earth but yours.[1]