Showing posts with label wonder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wonder. Show all posts

Sunday, September 17, 2017

9th August/September Trinity 2016, Vertiginous Clarity (Redux)

9th August Trinity
Matthew 6; 19-23

“Do not save up your treasures on the earth, where moths and rust eat away at them and thieves tunnel in and steal. Save up your treasures in heaven, where no moth and no rust consumes and thieves do not tunnel in and steal. Because where you have gathered a treasure, there your heart will bear you.

“The lamp of the body is the eye. So if your eye is wholesome, your whole body is lighted; whereas if your eye is bad, your whole body is in darkness. So if the light inside you is dark…what great darkness!

9th August Trinity
Sept 18, 2016
Matthew 6; 19-23

We know, at least intellectually, that we cannot take our physical possessions with us across the threshold of death. We even make ironic jokes, like ‘he who dies with the most toys wins!’ But even if we could somehow bring them with us, they would eventually disintegrate because they belong to the world of the transitory.

We are encouraged to store up heart-treasures, treasures that we can take with us through death. One such heart treasure is reverence and wonder toward God, toward our fellow human beings and toward the living being of nature. The health and vitality of our soul, indeed of our whole organism, depends on the manner in which we look at the world. If we look at the world through eyes open in wonder, filled with awe, then seeing through such eyes generates light, both inwardly and outwardly. Through wonder and awe, we gain the light of knowledge and the light of wisdom. Our eyes will shine. Lacking reverence before God, man and nature, our souls begin to darken. Even our bodily organism becomes darker and harder, less translucent. Awe enlightens. 
The poet says:

Never between the branches has the sky
burned with such brilliance, as if
it were offering all of its light to me,
to say – what? what urgent mystery
strains at that transparent mouth?
….the air
suddenly arches itself like this into infinity,
and glitters.

This evening, far from here,
a friend is entering his death,
he knows it, he walks
under bare trees alone,
perhaps for the last time. So much love,
so much struggle, spent and worn thin.
But when he looks up, suddenly the sky
is arrayed in this same vertiginous clarity.*

For, as Christ says, ‘Where you have gathered a treasure, there your heart will bear you’.**

*Jean Joubert, “Brilliant Sky,” Trans. by Denise Levertov in The Gift of Tongues, ed. by Sam Hamill
** Matthew 6:21

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Sunday, May 22, 2016

1st May/June Trinity 2016, No Hands

June Trinity
Arild Rosenkrantz

May 22, 2016
John 17: 6-11

I have made manifest your name to those human beings who have come out of the world to me through you. Yours they were, and you have given them to me, and they have kept your word in their inmost being. Thus, they have recognized that everything which you have given me is from you; for all the power of the word which you have given me, I have brought to them. They have taken it into themselves and have recognized in deepest truth that I come from you, and they have come to believe that I have been sent by you. I pray to you for them as individual human beings, not for humanity in general. Only for the human beings which you have given me, because they belong to you. Everything that is mine is yours and what is yours is mine, and the light of my being can shine in them. [I am revealed in them.] I am now no longer in the world of the senses. And I am coming to you. Holy Father, keep, through the power of your being, those who came to me through you, so that they may become one, even as we also are one.

June Trinity
May 22, 2016
John 17: 6-11

We have come to a particular moment in the cycle of the liturgical year. This moment represents both an ending and a beginning. We have completed our walk through the mighty deeds Christ did on and for the earth. We have accompanied him from His birth through His death, His Ascension, and His sending of the Father’s Spirit at Pentecost. This gospel reading is taken from the evening before His death. He had nearly completed His time in a material physical body and was about to inhabit another kind of body, His resurrection body of light, and ultimately, at Ascension, to take on the whole earth as His

At this moment in time, it is as though we remember and reflect back on certain highlights, certain key points about His time with us before we move on to the next phase of the year.

This gospel passage, called the High Priestly Prayer, is the one we also heard at Confirmation, that moment in a child’s life which signals the end of childhood and the beginning of another life phase, the phase of youth. And the priest also reads this passage at the Last Anointing, just before a person’s death. In this prayer, Christ assures us that he remains watching us prayerfully, intimately and individually. And he commends us in prayer to the Father’s care.

We could say that this moment signals the end of ‘Phase One’ and the beginning of ‘Phase Two,' both in Christ’s life and in our lives in the cycle of the year. And what is Phase Two? It is an opportunity that depends on upon our openness and loving response to everything He has gone through. Will we continue His work? Will we open ourselves anew in wonder and awe of all he has done? Will we take up His compassionate, healing spirit? Will we act out of the promptings of our good angels, the promptings of our higher selves? He hopes we will take up His work. For as Teresa of Avila said,

Christ has no body now but yours
No hands, no feet on earth but yours
Yours are the eyes through which He looks
compassion on this world
Christ has no body now on earth but yours.