Christian Community Homilies
Contemplations of the Gospel Readings for the Cycle of the Year
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Holy Nights, December 28, 2014, Grow Me
Philippians 2: 5 – 16 December 28, 2014 Be imbued with the same state of mind that also filled Christ Jesus himself: For, although he...
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Christmas III, Day, December 25, 2014, Feed, Guide, Nourish
Christmas III John 21: 15-25 Now is proclaimed the end of the entire gospel according to John in the 21st chapter: After they h...
Christmas II, Dawn, December 25, 2014, Sun Sings
Christmas II Luke 2: 1-20 Now is proclaimed the [middle of the Gospel[s], according to Luke in the second chapter. Now it came to...
Christmas I, Midnight, December 25, 2014, The Rescuer
Christmas I, Midnight December 25, 2014 Matthew 1: 1 -25 [Now is proclaimed the beginning of the whole Gospel, according to Matt...
Sunday, December 21, 2014
4th Advent 2014, Yes
1 Thessalonians, 5, 1-8, 23, 24 About time spans and right moments, dear brothers, I have no need to write to you. You know very well...
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Two Marys, December 18, 2014
In the Gospels we have two descriptions of the Mother of God. The feeling-tone of each is different. The one is described in Luke; she is...
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